The detailed program is now available on the mobile application. Download it!
The Short Courses will be held on Monday 1st and Tuesday 2nd July, on the Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics Czech Technical University in Prague.
The main conference takes place at the Occidental Prague Hotel from Wednesday 3rd to Friday 5th July, preceded by the Doctoral Symposium on Tuesday 2nd.
A Welcome Reception is offered on Tuesday evening for those arriving early. The reception desk will be open at all times on other days.
“Automated health assessment for railways – challenges in robotic plant”
Paper 1A: Probablistics Methods for PHM
Paper 1B: MOIRA Special session
Paper 1C: Experiments and Digital twins
Mathworks Tech Demo
Tutorial 1: Transformers: from attention mechanisms to large language models
Paper 2B: PHM for automotives and autonomous systems 1
Paper 2C: Anomaly Detection
Paper 2A: Prognostics
Panel session 1B: Disrupting the after-market with PHM
Paper 3C: Domain adaptation
Demo: PHM Technology
Paper 3A: Health Indicators for PHM
Tutorial 2: Clouds: A cloud driven approach to data analytics at Rolls-Royce
Paper 4C: Intelligent Fault diagnosis
Paper 4A: Machine learning methods for PHM
Panel session 2B: Beyond the Buzz: Turning PHM Proof-of-Concepts into Real-World Products
Paper 5C: Maintenance and Decision Support
Paper 5A: PHM in Manufacturing and Quality control
Paper 3B: Condition Monitoring
Paper 6C: Battery Health Management 1
Mathworks Hands-on Workshop
Paper 6A: PHM development and evaluation 1
Panel session 3B: PHM futures: vision of CBM, AI, and opportunities
Paper 7C: PHM in Energy
“Mathematical approaches in artificial intelligence for the digital clone of an aircraft engine”
Paper 7A: PHM Applications
Panel session 4B: People issues – qualifications; careers; equality, diversity and inclusion
Paper 8C: Fault detection and classification
Data Challenge
Paper 8A:PHM in Wind Turbines
Paper 4B: PHM for automotives and autonomous systems 2
Paper 9C: PHM development and evaluation 2
Paper 9A: PHM for aircraft systems
Paper 5B: Physics informed methods
Paper 10C: Battery Health Management 2